Zero Tolerance Policy

YEG Pickleball occupies a strict Zero Tolerance Policy on the following: 

  • Abusive language and yelling
  • Unwelcome physical contact
  • Disrespectful or demeaning language/comments
  • Remarks, jokes, or innuendos that degrade, ridicule, or offend
  • Discriminatory remarks
  • Threats or threatening behaviour
  • Verbal/Physical abuse
  • Sexual harrassment
  • Bullying
  • Violence (physical attacks or threats of harm)
  • Throwing, damaging property or breaking things
  • Failure to observe our policies/contracts
  • Refusing to leave the property
  • Offensive hand gestures

Failure to comply with any of the above will result in strict consequences including but not limited to, membership termination and/or contact of local authorities.